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Our intention is that our curriculum extends opportunity, raises aspiration, opens children's eyes to the world beyond their immediate environment, enables our children to live happy, healthy and productive lives and inspires children to learn more.

Early Years

The children in our Nursery and YR follow the Early Years Foundation Stage framework 2021.  This statutory requirement is supplemented by the new, non-statutory document Development Matters, which has been rewritten to support the new statutory framework.  Our EYFS team plans experiences for the children that match each unique child's needs to maximise progress for all and ensure they are ready for their next stage in education.  Children are encouraged to follow their own interests, and learning is developed through this by our skilled practitioners through play-based interactions with the children.  In YR, there are a range of adult-led activities in which our teachers work with small groups of children and teach and explore specific ideas and concepts within the 17 areas of learning outlined within the foundation stage curriculum.  However, for the biggest part of the day, the children will 'free-flow' between the indoor and outdoor learning environments to play, explore and develop their learning, supported by our staff.



Key Stage 1 & 2

Oakridge staff pride themselves on careful planning to enable the National Curriculum to be delivered interestingly and purposefully, ensuring that the basic skills are emphasised. Whilst adhering to the National Curriculum, we aim to deliver the curriculum stimulating and creatively, utilising cross-curricular links wherever possible. We believe that a balanced curriculum is only achieved through a further emphasis on other important areas such as Personal, Social and Health Education (PSHE), Citizenship and Environmental Education, promoting not just a full range of knowledge and skills but the important moral, religious and aesthetic attitudes which prepare children for the future.


We recognise that not all children learn in the same way. The teaching approaches that are used in the classrooms vary, with staff using formal and informal methods. Children learn from a blend of single-subject teaching and thematic-based activities, making use of a range of audio and visual aids and computing to enhance their learning.



Federation Curriculum Overview

If you would like to know more about our curriculum please speak to your child's class teacher who will be happy to help you. Alternatively, please see the year group pages under the 'Children' tab at the top of the page. 
