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Pupil Premium

The designated person responsible for the leadership of Pupil Premium across the Oakridge Schools Federation is: Mrs Claire Cameron. 

Pupil premium is additional funding for schools from the government. Pupil premium is provided to help raise the attainment and achievement of disadvantaged children. Please see the following document for details on how this premium has been allocated within our school.

At Oakridge Schools Federation, we believe that if you get it right for disadvantaged children, you get it right for everybody. Our inclusive culture, with high expectations for all, ensures we maximise opportunities for every child so as to develop confident and successful learners. Oakridge Schools Federation’s mindset is to ensure there is an expectation of accelerated progress for all. The culture of our school fosters strong relationships with all stakeholders of it so that we know our children and parents well.

We focus on ensuring all children have enriching and challenging access to a broad and balanced curriculum. Oakridge Schools Federation pride ourselves on providing all children with a range of life skills, as well as resilience and a positive attitude so that they can continue to make excellent progress across the Federation and as they move on to the next stage of their education.

We pride ourselves in knowing all of our children well across the Federation, delivering a personalised curriculum which meets all their needs. Every member of staff understands the key groupings across the schools and knows how to develop specific skills for individual children.

Teachers work closely together to ensure a smooth transition between each year group, with joint planning and moderation meetings throughout the year to support each other and provide useful information and feedback about all children. As a result, every staff member has an excellent knowledge of all children and expectations are consistent across the Federation in order to ensure children are continually challenged and make the best possible progress.

We recognise that Early Years is incredibly important and that a successful start to Primary education is paramount. Our Early Years curriculum is exciting and stimulating, with all children having new and unique experiences.

As the Pupil Premium Leader, I ensure all staff are aware of the different groupings across the federation and make sure that there is a balance of funding for enrichment, pastoral care and progress across the curriculum. My role is to monitor and regularly review the impact of this extra funding.

As part of my role I:

  • Analyse and track data with teachers.  This includes pupil progress at the end of each Milestone (November, March and June), as well as data from assessments, within lessons etc.
  • Work alongside teachers to plan, using data and groupings to inform this within an enriching and challenging curriculum
  • Work alongside teachers and LSAs to identify children’s barriers to learning and support them with the planning and delivery of lesson/group work which challenges all children
  • Monitor work across the curriculum with a focus on the feedback provided by staff so that children know how to improve their learning
  • Carry out learning walks and lesson observations
  • Work alongside teachers to team teach
  • Work with key children and small groups to support and challenge their learning
  • Regular meetings with a range of staff (including Headteacher, Deputy Headteachers, Inclusion Manager, Subject Leaders and Team Leaders)
  • Review and update the School Improvement Plan and Pupil Premium Action Plans in order to ensure the best possible outcomes for all children
  • Deliver training to all staff
  • Report to Governors
  • Organise trips and visits for specific children so that they can experience a range of activities (e.g. visit to local book shop in order to purchase books, visit to local supermarket in order to buy food to cook with)

Oakridge Schools Federation uses seven key building blocks to support disadvantaged pupils’ achievement:

  • Whole school ethos of attainment for all
  • High expectations for behaviour and attendance, providing social and emotional support for families so that they can support their children
  • High quality teaching for all¸ with consistently high expectations across the Federation linked with regular monitoring, as well as the sharing of best practice
  • Meeting individual learning needs by seeking the best strategies to help each pupil make the next step in his or her learning. We provide individual support for specific learning needs so that children reach their full potential
  • Deploying and developing all staff effectively across the whole of the Federation
  • Responding to data and evidence in order to identify pupils’ learning needs, review progress regularly and address underperformance quickly with clear feedback provided for all pupils
  • Clear, responsive leadership with high aspirations from the top down and all staff setting the best example so as to be fully accountable

Monitor and evaluate progress

During curriculum governance committee, team, phase and SLT meetings we regularly monitor and evaluate the progress of all PP children. During these meetings, the following is examined (although this list is not exhaustive):

  • Updates regarding vulnerable children
  • Monitoring feedback from lesson observations, pop ins and book scrutiny
  • Data tracking for PP children
  • Feedback from pupil conferencing of PP children
  • Impact of the above and what the next steps need to be for individual children and teachers

All of the above is examined alongside the School's Improvement Plan and the Pupil Premium Strategy documents.

Attendance at clubs 2024 - 2025 


Autumn term
Spring term
Summer term 
83% 87% Information available May 2025
87% 92% Information available May 2025