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Year 1

Welcome to Year 1!


In Year 1, our teachers are Miss Ferguson (Class 4), Miss Norman (Class 5), and Mrs Hardyman (Class 6). We are also supported by our dedicated Learning Support Assistants (LSAs): Mrs Clarkson, Mrs Kirkup, and Miss Purdy.

If you have any questions, please contact your child's teacher. If they are not around at pick-up, you can speak to them by phoning the school office and requesting an appointment.

Keep referring back to this page for regular updates about the children's learning. 

Curriculum Newsletters

Update - Friday 31st January 2025

This week in Year 1, we have been consolidating our knowledge of numbers to 20, including our number bonds! We have used lots of practical resources to do this and also looked at doubling numbers within 20. In English, we have moved onto a topic, all about information texts, preparing for a final piece of writing all about our school to go on the website. We have looked at the suffixes -s and -es, and used a bubble map to gather our ideas about the features of our school. For our geography lesson this week we went for a walk in our local area, identifying the different physical and human features that we could see. In DT, we looked at the features of a taxi. We came up with design criteria as a class that included some of these features to help us build our taxis next week. In science, we have continued to look at the seasons. We have now looked at how animals change throughout the different seasons and what they need to survive all year round. In P.E., we have continued to practice our dances, incorporating new moves and getting ready to show our teachers! 

Update - Thursday 23rd January 2025

This week in Year 1 we have finished place value to 20, continuing to count forwards and backwards from any number. In English, we have learnt how to use a question mark and shared with each other what questions we had about our book 'Elephant in My Kitchen!' We have also looked at prepositions to describe the location of the animals in our book. We put these prepositions into simple sentences and then came up with our own. In DT we have built vehicles using junk modelling along with a variety of vehicles to ensure we have included wheels, axles and chassis. In PSHE, we have continued to look at dreams and goals, working as a team to design our own houses, looking at the different steps we should take to achieve this. In science, we have been looking at a variety of trees and their features, discussing what they look like in wintertime and comparing these to what they will look like in other seasons. In computing, we finished designing our own rockets on the computer and sequencing instructions to build these rockets. We had to spot which instruction was missing! 


Update - Friday 17th January 2025

This week, in Year 1 we have been continuing our Maths topic on place value within 20, focusing on the number line, ordering numbers and estimating. We have been using practical resources to support this learning and feel more confident going up to 20! During English, we have had another look at writing using suffixes. We were able to discuss what the different animals in our story, 'Elephant in our Kitchen,' were doing and describe where they were in the houses. In science, we have been looking at winter's seasons and features in our outside area. This included learning about what deciduous and evergreen trees are and how these trees change over the different seasons. In geography, we have looked at the four countries of the United Kingdom and described their locations along with their capital cities. We have also challenged ourselves to use cardinal points to describe these places. In computing, we have been learning how to save our work and designed our own rocket using Sketchpad. 

Update - Friday 10th January 2025

This week in Year 1 we have been really busy! We have been continuing with our maths topic, 'Place Value within 20,' looking at one less and one more and using 10s and 1s. In English, we have been looking at the story Elephant in My Kitchen, using the word 'and' in our sentences, and remembering to add capital letters, finger spaces and full stops! In geography, we have been looking at landmarks and have focused on the City of London. We also looked closely at our local landmark, Festival Place, and shared when we might have seen it and the purpose of this landmark. In DT, we used construction to build our own vehicles. We had to make sure we included wheels, axles and a chassis! In PSHE, we focused on our goal last week and thought about the steps we would need to achieve this. We hope to achieve this by the end of this half-term!

Update - Thursday 19th December 2024

This week year 1 have been busy preparing for their year 1 Christmas performance. They were all amazing and we hope you all enjoyed it too. Year 1 have also been learning the songs for the Christmas carol concert on Friday. 

In phonics, year 1 have been revising what they have learnt this term and they have been continuing to develop their letter formation during handwriting sessions.  

We hope you all have a lovely break and we will see you in the New Year. 

Update - Friday 6th December 2024

This week, in year 1, the children have been working hard at learning the Christmas songs and adding in  actions. 

In Maths, Year 1 have been consolidating their knowledge of shape, addition and subtraction. They have been finding one more and one less and solving missing number problems. 

In Science, the children have been investigating their sense of touch. They had to feel inside lots of different boxes and use their sense of touch to identify what was inside. 

In art, the children created their own portraits using collage. It was great fun!


Updated - Friday 29th November 2024

This week year 1 have started their new English unit on Christmas poetry. The children enjoyed listening to different poems and were keen to share their favourite poems with their peers. The children particularly enjoyed the poem 'Chocolate Cake' by Michael Rosen and discussed how the author used facial expressions and changed his voice to make his performance of the poem more interesting. 

In Art, year 1 explored works by different artists. They talked about how different portraits were the same and how they were different. They thought about the colours used, whether the artist had created their artwork using pencil, paint, or used photography and what emotions were being represented.  

In Computing, year 1 have been learning about decomposition. They learnt that this was when they break a task down into smaller steps. 

Updated - Thursday 21st November 2024

This week, Year 1 finished their unit of work based on the story 'Mr Tiger Goes Wild'. They enjoyed writing postcards to their friends as if they were Mr Tiger, about being wild. 

In Maths, the children explored 2D shapes. They learnt to recognise squares, rectangles, triangles, and circles. They then talked about how these shapes were the same and different. They thought about the number of sides and corners each shape had. 

In Art, year 1, learnt all about college. They enjoyed creating their own funny face collages. 

All the year 1 children really enjoyed the school pantomime on Thursday. They watched the story of Sleeping Beauty and loved participating in all the key moments.


Updated - Friday 15th November 2024

This week, year 1 has been enjoying their new Art unit on portraits. They explored the key features of a human face and used mirrors to create their own self-portraits. 

In Science, year 1 have continued learning about the human body. They drew graphs to identify how many body parts they have. 

In Maths, year 1 has been learning all about shapes. They have explored 3D shapes and learnt to recognise cubes, cuboids, pyramids, cylinders, cones, and spheres. They talked about how these shapes were the same and how they were different. 

In English, year 1 were learning to write sentences using 'and' to join 2 sentences together. 


Updated - Friday 8th November 2024

Welcome back,

We hope you all had a lovely break. 

In Maths, we are continuing with our unit on addition and subtraction within 10. The children have been learning to use whole-part diagrams to find missing parts and fact families. 

In English, we have been reading the book 'Mr Tiger Goes Wild' by Peter Brown. We have been making predictions about what we think could happen in the story and writing sentences about the key events that took place. 

We have started D.T this half-term. Our topic is all about shade and shelter. We enjoyed exploring our school and looking at different shelters and the materials they are made out of. 

Image preview    Image preview

Updated - Friday 25th October 2024

Year 1 have had a very busy last week!

In history we once again stepped back in time to the 1950s. This time however we were comparing a map from the 1950s to a map from the present day. We had to work together to recognise features that were the same and things that were different. We looked at how the 1950s map had some features that the present-day map didn't have - we also found that the present-day map had some new features. Finally, we recognised that some features actually stayed the same!

   Image preview   

In maths, we have got really confident with our number bonds and adding! We have been using ten frames and counters to help our confidence in fact families. We had got so good at them that our teachers have been challenging us with some additional word problems!


Finally, in geography we have been learning about the 4 countries that make up the United Kingdom. We looked at atlases and maps to help us identify where each country was on our map and we labelled them. We then had to add in each capital city!


Updated - Friday 18th October 2024

Year 1 have been doing a lot of investigating in science this week! They had been challenged to find the perfect material to create bunting to display outside of their classrooms. They looked at materials such as foil, plastic cloths, paper, tissue paper and newspaper. They checked if the material was strong or weak, bendy or stiff and they even checked if it was waterproof or not waterproof. They concluded that the plastic cloth was the perfect material!

In maths we have been doing a lot of work on part whole models and using these to help us create different number sentences. This is leading us to writing number bonds within 10!

Finally, in history our classroom turned into a museum! We came back in from lunch to find lots of toys and images from the 1950s. We had time to explore these different objects and images before coming back together to discuss what we had found. We discovered things like flip books, puppets and even had a go at playing with yo-yos. We talked about how milk was in glass bottles and delivered by a milkman, we also talked about how sweets were in jars and were measured out by the shop keeper and put into paper bags. 

Updated - Friday 11th October 2024

In English we were introduced to our brand-new story "Beegu". We read it together during our first lesson but in the second lesson we discovered that our teachers had completely mixed up the order! 

We had to work together in teams to fix the story; once we had done this, we had a go at creating sentences for some of the photos. 

We became artists in Art this week! We were given some beautiful templates and we were free to paint them however we pleased! We used a mixture of primary and secondary colours. We knew if we got stuck on how to make a colour, we could look at our working wall for help. 

During our science lesson this week, we had to test different objects to determine the type of properities they had so we could place them into the correct venn diagrams. We looked at things that were hard, soft, shiny and even objects that were transparent and opaque!

Updated - Friday 4th October 2024

This week in English, year 1 finally concluded their 'Three Little Pigs' story. We had a shared write as a class where we created sentences on the board together before having a go on our own whiteboards. This helped us create some amazing sentences during our final write!

During computing, we tested our mouse skills by trying to draw different shapes. Once we were comfortable with our mouse control we then practised changing the colour of the pen and even the thickness and the brightness.

In geography we were introduced to the continents. We listened to a fun song to help us remember them before we were challenged to put together a giant puzzle of the world and its continents. This enabled us to successfully label our own maps in pairs!

Finally, in history we have been learning about the past - our past! We looked back through different decades and thought about what our family members might have been doing during these times. We then created our own family trees. 

Update- Thursday 26th September 2024

In English, we have been retelling part one of the three little pigs story in our first apprentice piece of year 1! We've ended the week by looking at part 2 so we are ready to write it in our final piece next week!

In art we have been looking at some lovely, colourful paintings. We picked out the primary and secondary colours we could see in each one. We then picked two that we loved to stick into our books and we wrote down the colours we could see as well as painting the colour beside it. Some of us even tried to write down what we liked/didn't like about the paintings.

Finally, in geography this week, we have been looking at maps and directions. We went over some key vocabulary used when giving someone directions and then had a go at drawing our partners a map to follow, we used arrows and words such as forwards, right turn, left turn and even tried to use the compass points! 

Update - Friday 20th September 2024

This week in year 1 we have had a busy week. In English we have continued to look at the story of The Three Little Pigs, we have learnt some of the key phrases and added capital letters to the beginning of sentences. In maths we have found 1 more and 1 less than numbers between 0 and 10, using cubes and counters to help us. In geography we have learnt about what a map is and what the term ‘location’ means. We have had a go at drawing our own maps that included human and physical features. In art we have continued  

to look at the primary and secondary colours. We have painted our own colour wheels and mixed the different primary colours to make secondary colours. During R.E we have continued to look at celebrations, we looked at different types of celebrations and discussed how it made us feel when we celebrated something. 

Updated - Friday 13th September 2024

On Monday we had a very exciting visit from Grandad Paul who came in to talk to us about growing up in the 1950s. He also shared some games with us that he remembered playing when he was a child. We then ordered photos of Grandad Paul and our teachers onto timelines as part of our history lesson. 

In art this week we applied our colour mixing skills to create colour wheels showing the relationship between the secondary colours and the primary colours used to mix them. 

In maths, we continued representing numbers and started looking at one more than a number. In English, we continued learning about the Three Little Pigs and practised writing sentences from the story with finger spaces. 

Updated: Friday 6th September 2024

Year 1 has settled beautifully this week, and we had lots of fun starting our new learning. We have been getting to know each other and our classrooms. In maths, we sort objects into groups and represent numbers in tens frames. We have been learning the story of The Three Little Pigs and retelling it using puppets. In art, we explored mixing primary colours to make secondary colours, and we went on material hunts in science. We started our history topic by learning some words we use to describe the past.