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Year 3

Welcome to Year 3!


In Year 3, our teachers are Mrs Tamsett-Tate and Mrs Webb (Class 1), Miss Davies (Class 2), and Miss Clarke (Class 3). We are also supported by our dedicated HLTA: Mrs Muller.

If you have any questions, please contact your child's teacher. If they are not around at pick-up, you can speak to your child’s class teacher by phoning the school and requesting an appointment.

Keep referring back to this page for regular updates about the children's learning. 

Curriculum Newsletters

Update - Friday 7th February 2025

This week, we have started our brand-new topic: Journey. The children received a letter in a scroll from the Wordsmith, who also delivered a surprise book.

As a class, we started to explore each page of the book and discussed what we thought the pictures were showing us and what we predicted the rest of the book would be about. The children absolutely loved it!



During this half-term, we have continued to learn about Shema and Mezuzah. The children have explored the meaning of the Mezezah and its importance within the Jewish home. We have linked this to the concept of 'identity' and how the children understood groups as part of who they are.

Update - Thursday 23rd January 2025


This week, we continued our learning on the zones of regulation. We explored how to read people's emotions and feelings through facial expressions and completed a drama task to put this into practice!



This week, we have recapped our learning of primary colours. We were tasked with using 'cool colours' to create a piece of work in English linked to our Polar bear topic. 

Update - Friday 17th January 2025


This week, we continued our new topic, 'Rocks, Relics and Rumbles'.

To start this unit, we are completing a mini-science module on rocks and have been learning about the different types.

We became geologists for the afternoon and studied a range of rocks to determine whether they were sedimentary, igneous or metamorphic!


We have started our new 'Dreams and Goals' unit of work and explored the zones of regulation within these sessions. After discussing our feelings and how we can control our actions when our emotions are high, we discussed what challenges we face. As a class, we shared a range of these. We discussed what a challenge is, how this can then present us with different emotions and why we must learn to have patience and understanding and approach challenges with determination! 


Update - Friday 10th January 2025

This term, we have some exciting new topics to explore. For more information, please see our emailed curriculum newsletter!


This term, we will explore non-chronological reports and focus our information on polar bears. In preparation, we completed some research using National Geographic websites online to learn all about polar bears and their habitat, diet, size, and key characteristics. 

We also used dictionaries to find key vocabulary to help us learn about the bears. 

Update - Friday 6th December 2024


This week, we learnt about the Celtic Warriors using different historical sources. We used the evidence we read to draw what we thought a Celtic warrior looked like during that period of history. We also labelled the key features of our drawings.


This week in RE, we learnt more about angels and what they mean to Christians. We grouped different images into groups based on what they looked like and what they symbolised. We learnt that Angels are very special to Christians as they are messengers for God. 


During our computing lesson week, we explored the coding programme Scratch. We had to use our coding skills to create repetitive loops to improve our programming skills. This was a really exciting lesson as we successfully created our own loops with a partner.  

Update - Friday 29th November 2024


This week we are finalising our addition and subtraction unit. The children have made such good progress, and we feel we are now in a place to move on and check back in with our column methods throughout the Spring term.

We will now be moving on to multiplication and division, so the children need to be going on their TT Rockstars accounts as much as possible and practicing their times tables at home. Parents feel free to test your children and throw them different timetables to help encourage them to improve their speed and accuracy!


This week the children have been applying their new skills and producing their very own prehistoric pots, inline with our History unit of work on the Stone Age. Here are some examples of their final product!


We have been working hard within our Stone Age boy unit of work and the children have completed their Apprentice pieces. They each wrote a diary entry, and we are now exploring more around emotive language and its use within a personal diary extract. It has been fantastic to see their learning within history come through their writing, and we look forward to their final pieces.


Updated - Thursday 21st November 2024

This week in DT, the children made their very own class ratatouille! Our little chefs were in charge of preparing the meal by chopping and cutting all the seasonal vegetables ready for our savoury dish. We then carefully followed the recipe to produce our class dish and kept it in the slow cooking over the course of the day. At the end of the day, we then all tried the dish and enjoyed tasting our work!


In our art this week, we have continued our work on prehistoric pots and learnt a range of pottery skills, including creating coils and slips and using slip to mold two parts together. We then used natural sources such as leaves, sticks and rocks to create patterns across the clay in preparation for our final patterned pots.


Updated - Friday 15th November 2024

Our new unit 'Stone Age Boy' is well-underway and the children seem to be really enjoying the unit so far. We are going to be creating our very own diary entry in our final piece of work so have been exploring the key features of diary entries in preparation. Here are some of the pictures from our exploration of the book 'Stone Age Boy' where we explored the characters in more detail. We are going to need to channel them for our diary entries and consider their thoughts, feelings and emotions in preparation for our writing.


This week we have continued our DT unit 'Cook Well, Eat Well.' Having previously explored what makes a healthy diet, we are now starting to learn some key cooking skills and spent an afternoon preparing potatoes and cooking them in a number of different ways. We cooked jacket potatoes, boiled potatoes and roast potatoes, peeling and cutting them by ourselves and then trying the end product to compare and contrast the different types. Next week, we are learning to peel and cut a range of vegetables to make our own class ratatouille-a healthy but filling meal!


We are continuing with our addition and subtracting unit of work as the children are now starting to get to grips with the formal column methods. Regrouping and exchanging has certainly been tricky but we are using our place value knowledge well to complete a wide range of challenges.


Update - Friday 8th November 2024

Welcome back! We hope everyone had a restful half-term and is prepared for Autumn 2.

We have now finished our Anansi topic in English, having spent the week planning and writing our final piece retelling the story of Anansi the spider. We had to think about how to make our vocabulary exciting and also had to remember how to punctuate our speech correctly.

It has been a challenging start to the half-term in Maths – we tackled adding with regrouping! Everyone has worked so hard, but some more practice of how to carry 10s and 100s will be needed.

We started a new PSHE topic this term, looking at celebrating differences. We started by thinking about what a family is and what it means to us. We all had different ideas about how to define ‘family’ and spent time discussing how our families are similar and different.

Image preview     Image preview

Update - Friday 25th October 2024


In maths we have continued our addition and subtraction unit and are now coming on to using column method. We have worked hard to add and subtract using number lines, base 10 and our knowledge of number bonds.


We have now completed our RE unit of 'trees' and explored how they are used as symbols within Christianity. We have read many different texts which show the importance of the tree and explored how and why the tree is so important to Christians.


We have continued our Reading lessons focusing on phonics, decoding and comprehension skills. The children have enjoyed reading a wide range of books across the half term and unpicking the stories. Our phonics is continually improving and year 3 teachers have been very pleased with the progress made so far this year.

Updated - Friday 18th October 2024


This week we spent some time reflecting on our final pieces. We evaluated them and completed an evaluation form to determine what we like about our pieces, what we could change if we were to do it again and how we used our knowledge of the primary colours within our final piece.


We have now started our addition and subtraction unit and have been working hard to add and subtract ones, tens and hundreds from given numbers. Our homework will now include addition and subtraction problems to help us revise the topic further.


In our history lessons we have finished exploring the first part of the Stone Age and will now look at how the Stone Age ended and the Bronze Age began. We have explored lots of different aspects of Stone Age life through our interview with Fred (the caveman) and look forward to meeting new characters later down the line.

Updated - Friday 11th October 2024

This week we completed our innovate session in art and spent the afternoon using the skills we learnt throughout the unit and applying them to our task.

We had to use given stencils to create our own piece of work using watercolours effectively. Using our new knowledge of contrasting and complementary colours, we had to use either warm or cool colours to produce our final piece.

Updated - Friday 4th October 2024

This week our main focus has been our final pieces of writing. The children have worked their
socks off to write a set of instructions to tell the reader how to write an African Folktale. We had to use all of the skills we had learnt including adjectives, ‘a’ and ‘an’ and capital letters and full stops.
Here are some examples of our work:

Update - Thursday 26th September 2024

This week in computer we have been exploring Networks through listening to a network rap! After learning about what they are, we identified different networks around the room and
explored a range of real life contexts.
In art this week, we explored how artists create ‘mood’ within their pieces of work using contrasting colours (warm/cool). The children came up with some lovely ideas and made notes in their sketchbooks.
In English this week we completed a quiz where we remembered some of the features and key words we need to include for our instructions to an African folktale.

Update - Friday 20th September 2024


The children have completed a range of Apprentice pieces and we are now covering some key skills in preparation for our final piece-'How to write an African Folktale instructions'. We have covered adjectives, expanded noun phrases and complex sentences and look forward to seeing how the children apply this learning to their writing. Once we have written our final pieces, we will show some of the best on the website for you to see!


This week we have continued to explore the place value of numbers up to 1000. We have been impressed with the speed in which children are learning and it has been fantastic to see so many children push themselves in the challenge work. Keep up the hard work!


This week the children compared what a 'nightmare school' would look like compared to a 'dream school' and explored why children would find a nightmare school a hard environment to learn in. The children had so many fantastic ideas and we had some lovely discussions around school life.


This week year 3 recapped how to identify the 8 cardinal points on a compass before using this knowledge to navigate between rides at a fun fair. The children enjoyed pretending to be at the fair and navigating their way around all of the rides!

Updated - Friday 13th September 2024


This week we have started to delve into our current Science topic 'Animal nutrition and the skeletal system.' We have explored different types of diet and completed some research into what makes a healthy diet and why this is so important. 

Here is the knowledge organiser to show our key learning for this half term's Science lessons:


We have also explored 'online safety' in our Computing session and discussed how we can stay safe when using computers, IPads, laptops and other devices that have access to the internet. Our first piece of learning focused on the way the internet can share beliefs, opinions and facts. We learnt what the differences between these were and how important it is to make sure we don't believe everything we see/read online. We will be having more internet safety lessons throughout the term.


This week we have continued to learn about a range of suffixes. In lessons, we have been exploring What happens to root words when we add the suffixes 'ing, -ed, -er, -est and -y' to the end of them. The children have really progressed in this area and we have been impressed with what we have seen so far!

Updated: Friday 6th September 2024

Welcome back! After a lovely summer, we have gotten stuck straight in with our new curriculum. In English, we are looking at African Folktales - 'Why the spider has a tiny waist' and 'How the lion got his roar'. We read the books and then acted out some of the different scenes using vocal and facial expressions to show what the characters were doing.

Our first topic in Maths is place value, so we have been looking at hundreds, tens, and ones. We have thought about how part-whole models can be used to partition numbers and help us to represent numbers up to 100. We will soon be progressing to partitioning and representing numbers up to 1000. 

The Geography topic is called 'One Planet, Our World' which means we will be looking at our planet and how humans interact with the environment. We started by learning how to read a map by using an Atlas. We then progressed to identifying countries and colouring them in with a partner. 

We would like to remind everyone to ensure PE kits are in from Monday to Friday. Our PE Days this half term are Tuesdays and Wednesdays but this can change on short notice.