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Curriculum Leader: Dave Tickle and Lauren Clarke


Mr Tickle and Miss Clarke are our computing leaders and are responsible for this curriculum area. This means ensuring we teach an ambitious curriculum, supporting our teachers to implement our curriculum through high-quality lessons and checking that lessons are helping our children to know more, remember more and do more.

Purpose of study

A high-quality computing education equips pupils to use computational thinking and creativity to understand and change the world. Computing has deep links with mathematics, science, and design and technology, and provides insights into both natural and artificial systems. The core of computing is computer science, in which pupils are taught the principles of information and computation, how digital systems work, and how to put this knowledge to use through programming. Building on this knowledge and understanding, pupils are equipped to use information technology to create programs, systems and a range of content. Computing also ensures that pupils become digitally literate – able to use, and express themselves and develop their ideas through, information and communication technology – at a level suitable for the future workplace and as active participants in a digital world.



The national curriculum for computing aims to ensure that all pupils:

  • can understand and apply the fundamental principles and concepts of computer science, including abstraction, logic, algorithms and data representation
  • can analyse problems in computational terms, and have repeated practical experience of writing computer programs in order to solve such problems
  • can evaluate and apply information technology, including new or unfamiliar technologies, analytically to solve problems
  • are responsible, competent, confident and creative users of information and communication technology


We are setting out to help our pupils be ...

  • Prepared - Understand how technology can help everyone prepare for life in the future and how it can be used to make the world a better place.

  • Kind - Make the world a better place through safe and kind interactions online, helping themselves and others to feel confident and proud of their achievements. 

  • Creative - Have fun creating and consuming content worth sharing with others; demonstrating resilience when it goes wrong. 

  • Confident - Learn how to identify and use a variety of hardware and software to achieve specific goals. 



We will do this by ensuring ...

  • Learning is purposeful and supports their understanding of technology that is used around the world. 

  • Children are taught to be responsible and keep themselves safe as well as how to help those who need it. 

  • A range of high quality devices are used to help children become familiar when interacting with computers in different ways. 

  • Pupils learn skills in a progressional way, celebrating their achievements and addressing any misconceptions.



We will have made a difference when ...

  • Pupils value the curriculum we offer - they understand the importance of technology in the world and how it can change lives. 

  • All pupils are responsible and safe - they know what to do to remain safe online, helping their families and community. 

  • Pupils enjoy the curriculum we offer - they tell us they enjoy learning and are keen to use technology more.

  • Pupils can independently demonstrate their understanding of what they have learned.


Here is an overview of what we expect children to be taught, know, and do by the end of each year group.


Year R

  • In Year R, children are introduced to the world of computing and technology. They are taught that technology is used in various places such as homes and schools and can be used for different purposes.

  • Children are encouraged to explore a range of technology, including digital devices such as tablets, laptops, and interactive whiteboards, as well as other tools such as cameras, talking tins, and programmable toys. Through hands-on experiences, they learn how to select and use these technologies for particular purposes, such as using a camera to take photographs or a talking tin to record and playback their voice.

  • The aim is for children to develop their knowledge and understanding of the ways in which technology can be used, and to develop their skills in using these tools effectively. They are also taught about the importance of staying safe and responsible when using technology, such as keeping personal information private and being respectful when communicating online.


Year 1

In Year 1, the children start the autumn term by learning how to log in and navigate around a computer. This is done through developing their mouse skills, learning how to drag, drop, click, and control a cursor to create works of art. In the children's first programming unit, they will use an unplugged approach to explore algorithms, decomposition, and debugging that are made relatable to familiar contexts, such as following directions and learning why instructions need to be specific. In the spring term, the children will develop their keyboard and further develop their mouse skills through designing, building, and testing. Creating a digital list of materials, using drawing software and recording data. With the children having already explored algorithms earlier in the year, they will be introduced to programming by using a Bee-Bot and exploring its functions in the spring. Through the summer term, the children will learn how to take and edit photos and search for and add images to a project. In the introduction to data unit, the children will learn what data is and how it can be represented. Learning why data is useful and how it can be gathered and recorded.

Throughout the year, the children in Year 1 learn how to stay safe online by learning how to manage feelings and emotions when someone or something has upset them.


Year 2

In Year 2, the children start the autumn term exploring what a computer is by identifying how inputs and outputs work and how computers are used in the wider world to design their own computerised invention. To build on the children's learning of algorithms from year 1, in year 2, the children will develop an understanding of what algorithms are and how to program them. The children will also be introduced to loops and how they can be developed to be more efficient. In the spring term, children develop their touch typing skills by learning keyboard shortcuts and simple editing tools such as copy and paste. Following this, the children will continue to develop their understanding of programming by exploring what ‘blocks’ do’ by carrying out an informative cycle of predict > test > review. The children will do this by programming a familiar story and making a musical instrument. During the summer term, the children will learn to create simple animations from storyboarding creative ideas. In the last unit of the year, the children will develop their understanding of data from year 1 and learn how data is collected, used, and displayed, as well as the scientific learning of the conditions needed for plants and humans to survive.

To further develop their understanding of online safety from year 1, children in year 2 will learn how to keep information safe and private online. Through this, the children will learn whom we should ask before sharing things online and how to give or deny permission online.


Year 3

In Year 3, the children start the autumn term learning about a network and how devices communicate and share information. Following this, the children will explore the programme Scratch, following the predict > test > review cycle. Through this, the children will embed their learning about ‘loops’ by programming an animation, story and game. In the spring term, the children will work on sending emails with attachments and understanding cyberbullying. This will build on the children's previous learning about online safety from previous years. To develop the children's understanding of computer systems and networks, they will learn how individual computers work by assuming the role of computer parts and creating paper versions to consolidate their understanding of how a computer works. In the summer term, the children will develop digital video skills to create special effects and transitions in trailers, building on the skills of photography and image editing from previous years. Children will also learn about records, fields and data and sorting and filtering data in databases to help answer questions.

Throughout year 3, the children will continue to develop their understanding of online safety and learn the difference between fact, opinion and belief, and how to deal with upsetting online content. Knowing how to protect personal information online.


Year 4

In the autumn term, the children will begin the year by learning how computers can enable people to work collaboratively. Through this, the children will explore a range of collaborative tools. This will be followed by a unit on programming, building on last year's work. Through this, the children will revisit the key features and begin to use 'variables' in code scripts. In the spring term, children will learn how web pages and sites are created and how to embed media and links. After this, the children will further understand websites by learning about the markup language behind a webpage; becoming familiar with HTML tags, changing HTML and CSS code to alter images and ‘remix’ a live website. In the summer term of year 4, the children will work on developing their computational thinking by solving problems effectively using the four areas of abstraction, algorithm design, decomposition and pattern recognition. This will be followed by a unit of work on data through which the children will research and store data on spreadsheets and design a weather station.

As part of their online safety work throughout the year, the children will learn how to search for information and judge probable accuracy, including recognising adverts and pop-ups and understanding that technology can be distracting.


Year 5 

The children will learn about search engines in the autumn term of year 5. Through this, the children will learn how page rank works and how to identify inaccurate information. Following this, the children will use their programming and music skills to create different sounds, beats and melodies, which are tested with a Battle of the Bands performance! In the spring term, the children will learn about the Mars Rover, exploring how and why it transfers data, including instructions, and how messages can be sent using binary code. To further this, the children will move on to creating algorithms and programs that are used in the real world. Using the ‘predict, test and evaluate’ cycle to create and debug programs with specific aims. In the summer term, the children create animations and storyboard ideas to help decompose a story into small parts before putting it together to create the illusion of a moving image. This will build on the skills the children have learned in the previous years. At the end of the year, the children will use all of their learning from the year to showcase their skills by exploring how the Mars Rover: moves, follows instructions, collects and sends data; this will enable the children to show their understanding of how computers work, what data is and how it is transferred.

As part of the children's online safety lessons, over the year, they will learn about app permissions and how they can be used to make their devices safer. They will also learn about online communication's positive and negative aspects and that online information is not always factual. As well as how to deal with online bullying and managing our health and wellbeing.


Year 6

In year 6, the children will discover the history of Bletchley and learn about code breaking and password hacking. Through this, the children will demonstrate their digital literacy skills by creating presentations. Following this, the children will begin to explore the programming language 'Python' to create designs and art. In this, the children will learn how to create loops and nested loops to make their code more efficient. In the spring term, children in year 6 will Identify how barcodes and QR codes work. Learning how infrared waves are used for the transmission of data while recognising the uses of RFID. Later in the spring term, the children will learn to write, record and edit radio plays set during WWII, through this, the children will learn about how computers have evolved. In the summer term, the children will further develop their understanding of how networks and the Internet can share information. Learning how big data can be used to design smart buildings. This will be followed by the opportunity for the children to showcase their skills by designing a product, evaluating, adapting and debugging code to make it suitable for their needs and designing products in CAD and creating a website and video.

Through the online safety lessons, the children will learn to deal with issues online including the impact and consequences of sharing information online; how to develop a positive online reputation; combating and dealing with online bullying and protective passwords.

Units of Work


Year 1 Autumn

Computing systems and networks: Improving mouse skills

This unit teaches children how to log in and navigate around a computer, developing mouse skills, learning how to drag, drop, click and control a cursor to create works of art inspired by Kandinsky and self-portraits.



Year 1 Autumn

Programming 1: Algorithms unplugged

This unit uses an 'unplugged' approach so that algorithms, decomposition and debugging are made relatable to familiar contexts, such as dressing up and making a sandwich, while learning why instructions need to be very specific.


Year 1 Spring

Skills showcase: Rocket to the moon

This unit develops keyboard and mouse skills through designing, building and testing individual rockets by creating a digital list of materials, using drawing software and recording data.



Year 1 Spring

Programming 2: Bee-Bot

This unit enables children to develop early programming skills using the Bee:Bot or virtual Bee:Bot.




Year 1 Summer

Creating Media: Digital Imagery

This unit enables the use of creativity and imagination to plan a miniature adventure story and capturing it using developing photography skills. Children learn to enhance photos using a range of editing tools as well as searching for and adding other images to a project, resulting in a high-quality photo collage showcase.


Year 1 Summer

Data handling: Introduction to data

This unit enables the children to Learn what data is and the different ways that it can be represented as well as developing an understanding of why data is useful, how it can be used and ways in which it can be gathered and recorded both by humans and computers.


Year 1 Autumn, Spring and Summer

Online Safety

Throughout the year the children learn about online safety, including using useful tips to stay safe when online; how to manage feelings and emotions when someone or something has upset us online; learning about the responsibility we have as online users; exploring the idea of a ‘digital footprint’.


Year 2 Autumn

Computing Systems and Networks 1: What is a computer?

Exploring what a computer is by identifying and learning how inputs and outputs work. Understanding how computers are used in the wider world, children design their own computerised inventions.



Year 2 Autumn

Programming 1: Algorithms and debugging

Developing an understanding of what algorithms are, how to program them and how they can be developed to be more efficient through a range of unplugged and plugged-in activities.



Year 2 Spring

Computing systems and networks 2: Word processing

Learning about word processing and how to stay safe online as well developing touch typing skills. Introducing important keyboard shortcuts, as well as simple editing tools within a word processor including: bold, italics, underline and font colour as well as how to import images.


Year 2 Spring 

Programming 2: ScratchJr

Exploring what ‘blocks’ do, using the app ‘ScratchJr,’ by carrying out an informative cycle of predict > test > review. Programming a familiar story and an animation of an animal, children make their own musical instrument by creating buttons and recording sounds as well as following an algorithm to record a joke.


Year 2 Summer

Creating media: Stop motion

Storyboarding and simple animation creation using either tablet devices or devices with cameras.




Year 2 Summer

Data handling: International Space Station

Learning how astronauts survive on the ISS, including identifying necessary items, designing sensor displays, and exploring habitable planets. Children gain an understanding of living in space and how space exploration can benefit life on Earth.


Year 2 Autumn, Spring and Summer

Online safety: Year 2

Learning about online safety, including: what happens to information posted online; how to keep things private online; who we should ask before sharing online; describing different ways to ask for, give, or deny permission online.


Year 3 Autumn

Computing systems and networks 1: Networks

Introduction to the concept of networks, learning how devices communicate. From identifying components, learn how information is shared and deepen this understanding by exploring examples of real-world networks


Year 3 Autumn

Programming: Scratch

Building on the use of the ‘ScratchJr’ application in Year 2, progressing to using the more advanced computer-based application called ‘Scratch’, learning to use repetition or ‘loops’ and building upon skills to program; an animation, a story and a game.


Year 3 Spring

Computing systems and networks 2: Emailing

Learning how to send and edit emails, add attachments and how to be a responsible digital citizen by thinking about the contents of what is sent.




Year 3 Spring

Computing systems and networks 3: Journey inside a computer

Assuming the role of computer parts and creating paper versions of computers helps to consolidate an understanding of how a computer works, as well as identifying similarities and differences between various models.


Year 3 Summer

Creating media: Video trailers

Developing filming and editing video skills through the storyboarding and creation of book trailers.




Year 3 Summer

Data handling: Comparison cards databases

Using the theme of a ‘Comparison card game’ to understand what a database is. Learning the meanings of records, fields and data. Further exploration will lead to the development of the ideas of sorting and filtering.


Year 3 Autumn, Spring and Summer

Online safety: Year 3

Learning about online safety: ‘fake news’, privacy settings, ways to deal with upsetting online content, protecting our personal information on social media.


Year 4 Autumn

Computing systems and networks: Collaborative learning

Working collaboratively in a responsible and considerate way as well as looking at a range of collaborative tools.




Year 4 Autumn

Programming 1: Further coding with Scratch

Learning the basics of programming in Scratch, children will create a simple script, use decomposition, and understand the variables.




Year 4 Spring

Creating media: Website design

Developing their research, word processing, and collaborative working skills whilst learning how web pages and websites are created, exploring how to change layouts, embed images and videos and link between pages.


Year 4 Spring

Skills showcase: HTML

Editing the HTML and CSS of a web page to change the layout of a website and the text and images.




Year 4 Summer

Programming 2: Computational thinking

Developing the four areas of computational thinking through a range of plugged and unplugged activities.




Year 4 Summer

Data handling: Investigating weather

Researching and storing data using spreadsheets, designing a weather station which gathers and records data and learning how weather forecasts are made. Children use tablets or digital cameras to present a weather forecast.


Year 4 Autumn, Spring and Summer

Online safety: Year 4

Learning how to navigate the internet in an informed, safe and respectful way.


Year 5 Autumn

Computing systems and networks: Search engines

Research skills and finding accurate information





Year 5 Autumn

Programming 1: Music

Applying programming skills to create sounds and melodies leading to a battle of the bands performance.




Year 5 Spring

Data handling: Mars Rover 1

Identifying some of the types of data that the Mars Rover collects and explaining how the Mars Rover transmits the data back to Earth. Children will read binary numbers, and understand binary addition as well as identifying input, processing and output on the Mars Rovers.


Year 5 Spring

Programming 2: Micro:bit

Clipping blocks together in a program and predicting what will happen while making connections with previously used programming interfaces. Children create animations, recognise inputs/outputs, choose appropriate blocks, and break programs down into smaller steps.


Year 5 Summer

Creating media: Stop motion animation

Storyboarding ideas, taking photographs and editing to create a video animation.




Year 5 Summer

Skills showcase: Mars Rover 2

Learning about pixels and binary, creating a pixel picture and saving a JPEG as a bitmap to understand the transfer of image data. Children will learn about the ‘fetch, decode, execute’ cycle and its real-world applications while beginning to use 3D design tools.


Year 5 Autumn, Spring and Summer

Online safety: Year 5

Learning about potential online dangers and safety.


Year 6 Autumn

Computing systems and networks: Bletchley Park

Discovering the history of Bletchley Park, historical figures, and computer science. Children learn about code-breaking and password hacking as well as decoding messages. Children present information about historical figures.


Year 6 Autumn

Programming: Intro to Python

Learning the fundamentals of the programming language of Python, they will test, change and explain what their program does. Children use loops and explain what repeats do and what the parts of the loop do while recognising that computers choose random numbers and decompose the program into an algorithm.


Year 6 Spring

Data handling 1: Big Data 1

Understanding about the use of big data including barcodes, QR codes, infrared, and RFID technologies. Children will create and scan their own QR codes, manipulate real-time data in spreadsheets, and present their findings. They also analyse transport data to understand its usefulness to commuters.


Year 6 Spring

Creating media: History of computers

Writing, recording and editing radio plays set during WWII, looking back in time at how computers have evolved and designing a computer of the future.



Year 6 Summer

Data handling 2: Big Data 2

Understanding data usage through the use of mobile data vs WiFi, the Internet of Things, and big data. Identifying high/low data activities and preparing presentations on using Big Data/IoT to improve school efficiency while respecting privacy.


Year 6 Summer

Skills showcase: Inventing a product

Designing a new electronic product and using CAD software to design appropriate housing for it. Developing skills in website design, video editing, and persuasive language to promote their product. Evaluating and adapting existing code, debugging programs, and searching for accurate information online.


Year 6 Autumn, Spring and Summer

Online safety: Year 6

Learning how to navigate the internet in an informed, safe and respectful way.

