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All children are required to wear school uniform as it is practical, looks smart and creates a strong sense of school identity.  The school colours are navy blue, white, grey or black.



  • Navy blue sweatshirts/jumpers
  • White polo shirts
  • Grey or black trousers or tailored school shorts (No jeans)



  • Navy blue sweatshirts/jumpers/cardigans
  • White polo shirt
  • Grey or black skirts/dresses or tailored school shorts/trousers (No jeans or leggings)
  • Blue gingham or striped summer dresses



Sensible plain black shoes


PE Kit:

A change of clothing, PE Kit, is necessary for all forms of physical exercise for safety and hygiene reasons.  It should consist of:


  • Plain black shorts
  • Plain white T-shirt
  • Plimsolls or trainers
  • Sweatshirt and track bottoms for the winter months


Outdoor Learning

Children must have long trousers, a rain jacket and appropriate footwear for Outdoor Learning. These can be trainers, but please be aware that they will get wet and muddy. Please be aware that if the children do not have suitable clothing for Outdoor Learning, they may be unable to join in with some of these lessons.



Jewellery is discouraged and children will be asked to remove anything other than small studs and a watch. If ears are newly pierced we ask that tape is provided to cover the studs whilst taking part in physical activities.


Please ensure that items of clothing are named, this will enable us to return lost property to its rightful owner.


Items can also be purchased directly in Basingstoke Town Centre at Skoolkit and the link below will also take you to their website:


Items of uniform that are not brand with the school logo can be purchased from supermarkets or other shops e.g. plain white polo shirts and grey/black trousers.



Long hair must be tied up for PE lessons - please ensure your child has a hair bobble.   Hair should not be coloured. 

