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PE Days

We are fortunate enough in school to have a team of sports coaches who take our children for the majority of their PE sessions. They work across the Federation.


Summer 2 Term PE days are as follows:


Year R - Wednesday and Friday

Year 1 - Monday and Wednesday

Year 2 - Monday and Wednesday

Year 3 - Tuesday and Thursday

Year 4 - Thursday and Friday

Year 5 - Monday and Tuesday

Year 6 - Monday and Thursday

Cabin/Lodge - Tuesday


*** Days highlighted in red will be outdoor learning sessions***


While these are the main PE days, sometimes we need to change things around, so please ensure your child brings their PE kit to school on a Monday. Please also ensure long hair is tied back and earrings removed or taped.


For PE lessons, children will need:


  • white t-shirt
  • black shorts
  • trainers.


Now that the cold weather is on us, we also ask parents to provide jogging bottoms and a jumper/hoodie for outdoor PE. Earrings also need to be removed or taped on PE days. Tape or plasters need to be provided by parents and can be kept in school.


Children must have long trousers, a rain jacket and appropriate footwear for Outdoor Learning. These can be trainers, but please be aware that they will get wet and muddy. Please be aware that if the children do not have suitable clothing for Outdoor Learning, they may be unable to join in with some of these lessons.


If you have any queries, please see your child's class teacher.

