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Toilet training


At nursery we are keen to support your child when they are ready to start using the toilet and leave nappies behind! When your child begins toilet training, please let us know and we will discuss with you how you are managing this at home and ensure we work together to help your child. We have lots of experience of helping children learn to use the toilet so please don’t be worried about your child having accidents – this is normal and all part of the process! Just make sure you send them in lots of spare pants and clothes and it will really help your child be independent in using the toilet if you put them in easy to remove clothing such as jogging bottoms or leggings. We will ensure that if your child doesn’t make it to the toilet in time that we change them quickly and sensitively. At nursery we are always patient, calm and reassuring when children are toilet training so you can be confident that the experience will be a positive one for your child. It’s helpful to remember that every child is different and so some children will take longer than others to become dry.


Please feel free to speak to your child’s key person or any of the nursery team if you would like to discuss toilet training and if you would like further information, the links below take you to websites where you can access lots of helpful advice or you can download these leaflets.

Services for Young Children

Hampshire Services for Young Children (SfYC) supports parents, carers and families. Below you will find SfYC bulletins for parents with information about a range of topics. 

Keeping Healthy!


Below you will find information about keeping your child healthy.


Workshops and courses

Please see below details of a range of free workshops and courses designed to support you with a variety of topics associated with parenting.

Supporting children who are new to English


Having more than one language is something that should be celebrated and supported. Bilingualism helps a child's brain to develop and helps children learn because they can think about their ideas in two (or more) languages.  

Speaking more than one language comes naturally to babies and young children whose brains are wired for all language. A child who develops good use of their home language (sometimes also called their mother tongue) is more likely to develop good English.  But if parents use English instead, children can lose their mother tongue, neither language will progress and the child may have problems in both languages.

We encourage parents to use their mother tongue at home with their children while we support their developing English during their time at nursery. This ensures that children have the best chance of speaking well in both languages.  

The National Literacy Trust is an organisation that aims to promote good communication skills in young children. The link below takes you to the bilingual section of their website where there is lots of information, helpful tips and leaflets designed to help parents support their child's developing English.

Hampshire County Council's Ethnic Minority Traveller Achievement Service (EMTAS) offers a wide range of resources and services to support families new to English  including leaflets in many different languages, links to external websites and information videos. The link below takes you to the EMTAS section of Hampshire County Council's website where you can view the resources on offer. 

ICON - How to cope with crying babies


ICON is a programme that provides information about infant crying and how to cope. Click on the link to visit the website or see the leaflets below for more information.
