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Earth Day

As a Federation, we celebrated Earth Day on Monday 22nd April. This year, the theme was Planet vs Plastics as we learnt about the impact of plastic pollution on the planet. For example, did you know that by 2050 is it predicted that the weight of plastic in the ocean will be more than the weight of all of the fish?! We studied how we can help the planet by using reusable plastics, litter picking and recycling our waste effectively. 


In the afternoon, we got involved in learning about an Environmental Champion and the work they have done to teach others about how to protect the environment. These were: David Attenborough, Greta Thunberg, Chris Packham and Steve Backshall. The children got crafty making earths and completed a recycling treasure hunt and sorting challenge! Finally, the children made plastic pledges and promises, to protect the earth and think about their use of plastics. It was lovely to see and hear the children's feedback and all they had learned in assembly at the end of the day. At the Juniors, the Eco Team also proudly shared ways we can protect the environment too!


Our Eco Bottle bricks were a HUGE success! Thank you to everyone who brought in rubbish to add into their classes bottle. These filled up quickly and it was amazing to see them coming together. Some classes even extended their challenge across the week - shout out to Class 7 in the Juniors who reached a big total of 9 across the 5 days! There were also many individual children who decided to continue and take on the challenge at home too - these were brilliant!! We are looking forward to moving them from our displays to be used in the school environment soon, watch this space! 


Well done to the whole Federation, from Nursery through to Year 6 on all your hard work! 
